At the Soldner Center we welcome volunteer assistance with any number of time-
specific activities including special event support, trained docent//tour leaders, and
grounds and facility maintenance. Help the Soldner Center grow and thrive! It takes a
Docents (Tour Guides)
Docents lead guided public tours. The average time commitment is 2 tour shifts per
month – a typical shift lasts 2 hours. Docent shifts are available Thursdays, June through
Event Volunteers
Event volunteers help with workshops, concerts, and fundraising events. Duties might
include setup and cleanup, assisting with event check-in and other details. If you have
special skills or comfort areas, we will work to match you with the event that best suits
your abilities. Time commitment varies, but we typically have 3 events per summer.
One-time or Special Project Volunteers
We periodically have special projects we need help with, from grounds maintenance to
painting. If you have special expertise or skills you’d like to offer, let us know!